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Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) with Multi-Angle Light Scattering Detection (MALS)

Instrument types

Multi-Angle Light Scattering Detection (MALS) results in the measurement of absolute molecular weight which is independent from the column calibration. The amount of light scattered (measured by MALS) is proportional to the molar mass of the polymer (M), the concentration (c) of the polymer, and the square of specific refractive index increment (dn/dc). Special procedures must be taken if the sample absorbs or if the sample fluoresces with exicitation at the wavelength of the laser (663.1 nm).

Technical Primary Contact:
Rachel Behrens

Access Procedure: 
Users of the MRL Synthesis and Characterization Laboratory are required to go through two levels of training before they are authorized to perform data collection independently. The training consists of
  • General lab safety training, provided by the UCSB Environmental Health & Safety Department (EH&S).
  • Instrument training, conducted by development engineer or an authorized user delegated by the development engineer.