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Rheometer with water bath

Rheometer is a mechanical spectrometer that is capable of subjecting a sample to either a dynamic (sinusoidal) or steady (linear) shear strain (deformation). Then measuring the resultant torque expended by the sample in response to the shear strain (shear strain is applied by the motor- torque is measured by the transducer). In the dynamic mode, the motor begins all tests at the motor zero position, and drives symmetrically about motor zero to the strain commanded by the software. The motor is labeled with graduations indicating 0.1, 0.25, and 0.5 radians from motor zero. The maximum angular deflection of the motor is 0.5 radians from either side of motor zero. In the steady mode, the motor can begin a test from any position, rotating either clockwise or counterclockwise as specified by the user using software.

Technical Primary Contact:
Rachel Behrens

Access Procedure: 
Users of the MRL Synthesis and Characterization Laboratory are required to go through two levels of training before they are authorized to perform data collection independently. The training consists of
  • General lab safety training, provided by the UCSB Environmental Health & Safety Department (EH&S).
  • Instrument training, conducted by development engineer or an authorized user delegated by the development engineer.