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Gel Permeation Chromatography - Prep (Prep GPC)

Instrument types

Preparative Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC- Prep) is used for the fractionation of polymer samples on a preparative scale. The elution order is from high molar masses to low molar masses. Therefore, the method can be used for determination of oligomers content and purification of polymer sample (removal of low molecular weight impurities, e.g., residual initiator, additives). These low molecular weight components are eluted after the main fraction of the polymer and can be readily removed by “end-shaving”. The polymer fraction (up to 100 mg/run) can be recovered by removing the solvent (under vacuum). The Mn and Mw/Mn of the samples can be determined by the analytical GPC.

Technical Primary Contact:
Rachel Behrens

Access Procedure: 
Users of the MRL Synthesis and Characterization Laboratory are required to go through two levels of training before they are authorized to perform data collection independently. The training consists of
  • General lab safety training, provided by the UCSB Environmental Health & Safety Department (EH&S).
  • Instrument training, conducted by development engineer or an authorized user delegated by the development engineer.